Rope Access - Level 2

Key Standards

- Participant prerequisite: Rope Access Level 1
- Maximal Student / Instructor Ratio:  6:1 (indoor), 4:1 (outdoor).
- Minimum Instructor Level: Authorized IRAA* Rope Access Level 3 in teaching status .
   * or equivalent.
- Course location: Certified IRAA Education Center.
- Course duration: 5 Weeks 
      Week 1-2: Homework and preparation
                                                                                                                   Week 3:     4 full days course
                                                                                                                   Week 4-5: Training
                                                                                                                   Week 5:      Exam
                                                                                                                   Theory can be completed in classroom, online and/or hybrid. 
                                                                                                             - Written Theory Exam: Yes
                                                                                                             - Practical Exam: Yes


Minimum Performance Requirements

- Legal basics
- Worksite management
- Daily Worksite briefings and debriefings
- Leadership
- Emergency procedures
- PPE against fall equipment
- 4P Check
- Planning of works at height by applying the PEAC approach
- Correct choice of attachment points
- The "STOP! in case of danger" philosphy 
- Medical aspects
- Planning and equipment choice for Rescues

- Analysis of risks and risk mitigation

- 12 basic knots

Practical applications:
- Peak performance and competences of al practical applications learned during the Level 1 course
- Set up of worstations and access points while evaluating the relevant risks and hazards
- Ability to rescue comrades in distress who are incapacitated. Rescue techniques aplied in following situations:
        with and without rope extension or by passing intermediate anchors.

A level 2 rope access technician is responsible for team leadership,  supervision and possible rescue activities on construction sites.
He decides which rope systems are to be used and is responsible for the anchoring installation.